Semua Seksyen

State Service Commission (Remuneration) Enactment 1959




Short Title

This Enactment may be cited as the State Service Commission (Remuneration) Enactment, 1959.





In this Enactment unless the context otherwise requires –

“the Commission” means the State Service Commission of the State of Selangor constituted under Article XCVII of the Laws of the Constitution of Selangor.




3 [1]

The remuneration of the members of the Commissions shall consist of the salary, allowances and privileges prescribed in the Schedule hereto and such salary, allowances and privileges shall not be altered to their disadvantage after their appointment.


3 [2]

The salary of each member of the Commission shall –

(a) commence from the date of his appointment;

(b) accrue from day to day; and

(c) be payable monthly on the last day of each month, or on such other day as the State Financial Officer may from time to time determine.




Provision Against Duplicate Salary

A person to whom any salary is payable under this Enactment or for whose salary as the holder of any other office in the public service of the State provision is made by any other written law shall be entitled to receive only one such salary, but if he is the holder of two or more offices in respect of which salary is so payable and there is a difference in the salaries payable in respect of those offices, the office in respect of which salary is payable to him shall be that in respect of which the highest salary is payable.




Charge and Payment of Renumeration

The sum required for the remuneration payable under this Enactment shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of the State.


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